Hello, my name is Hunter Robson. I was born and raised in Massachusetts and am currently enrolled at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Above all else, I consider myself a creator. 
Creating art has been a passion of mine since I was a child and over the years I have strived to learn as many techniques and mediums as I could. While some find a medium they like best, I can’t seem to find one that isn’t tied for first. Learning new mediums has helped me think differently about mediums I already know, making me a better artist.

          Running parallel to my art career is my writing career. Writing has always been something I enjoyed doing and I pride myself on it, just as much as my art. My writing is always evolving and I use it as a way to express my ideas that aren’t as easily captured through art. Similarly to art, I love to do all types of writing, although creative writing is my favorite.

          The ideas that weren’t meant for a page and were more practical than traditional art, I designed and built. Designing objects and creating them can count as art, but I’ve always seen it as something different. There is a preciseness in designing that scratched an itch on the technical side of my brain that art and writing couldn’t. I’ve always loved taking things apart to learn how they work and to learn how I could create it, or a better version of it, myself. It wasn’t until college that I learned the word for what I had been doing: industrial design. Now it’s my major.

          Growing up in a family of game lovers, and with my passion for art, writing, and design, it was only a matter of time before I started creating games of my own. It started with card games that were somehow over-complicated while also having no substance in elementary school, to board games with mediocre art and systems that weren’t well-defined in middle school, to decently designed and somewhat fun games in high school. It was in high school that I first learned about Dungeons and Dragons and my life changed forever. I channeled my creativity through D&D and haven’t stopped since. I’ve built dozens of worlds, each filled with their unique peoples and societies. I’ve created hundreds of characters to fill the streets, sell at the markets, run the shops, and stand against the heroes. Countless stories have been created and fond memories that will last a lifetime have been forged; the greatest gift of all. Currently, I’m running a campaign that has been going on for over a year and a half. I’ve spent a great amount of time brainstorming and writing, and have over 150 pages to show for it.

          One day, my creations (art, writing, designs, and games) will reach audiences that I could never imagine and impact their lives for the better!

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